
Music video "Anatomy" by my band - zap brautigan






A fairy flew in my eye, her naked body like a gnat

She hurt me, I said god damnit!

And pulled her from the sore canal,

And she lay on my small blanket tip of a finger,

She had been mangled and began to faintly breathe

I’m sorry, she said, I know we can be pests,

But who is to blame for our sizes?

I’m so small, and you’re so big

It’s absurd that we should live in harmony

Please know I did not mean it, please forgive

The discomfort I have done to your eye

My ear was placed very close to her mouth, she died

Where to bury such a thing?

I must say my feelings for her grew

With each passing second,

And I was so very sorry she had died

I started blaming myself

For the stupid course I undertook in that field

My steps were lackluster and unguided

And had they not been she might still be living

I wondered if she grazed the sky in search of flowers

To smell them, if that’s what fairies do

Her blonde hair was so very small,

Yet could fill a void of any size




No larger than a beetle,

A man walks through the city

Carrying a briefcase of small things

Inevitably he is crushed

By the foot of a traveling person

Or the tire of a traveling car

But miracles happen

And he is reborn again and again,

Still trying to make it in this world,

His many bodies

Dispersed everywhere




I will pick cotton for you

For I

Am the rat

That feasts upon

Your corn


I will sweat till I am dry

As the skin of an orange


The sun tries to break me,

Eating at me like gnats


My chains are hot

But I have shelter

I wear a hat and I think about you


A slave, perhaps,

But I am a happy slave


It’s not your father,

Who I’m really working for


It’s you, 

You, you

Who stands drinking lemonade,

Peering over us all

Us sick and us bitter, in the hundreds


But I remember, each day shall pass

Each day shall pass like a mosquito’s kiss


Wrap the dead in cotton,

The last thing that you said


I sleep with pennies in my mouth

To taste

A different sorrow




Hiroshima forgiven

Nagasaki said sorry

Under crumbled bridges

White flags poke smog

Like ostriches

Quietly removing themselves

From chambers of sand


